Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Just Plain Stubborn

Sometimes I wish everyone could spend a day with my son. One full day with Coren.

Then they would understand stubborn. They think they know now...

I used to think he was a normal two year-old, with normal craziness and such. But almost a year--and countless comments--later, I understand that he's on the far end of the two year-old spectrum (two guesses for which end I'm talking here). People that I know, people that I trust, people that have had multiple children themselves, have commented on the....individuality of my son. That's when my own personal suspicions were validated.

Now let me say this: I am grateful that Coren is an individual! 

He has some unique characteristics that just make me grin, that fill me up with humor and pride. This incredibly vivid imagination has just started to emerge from his little mind... and it is spectacular! And I know, growing up, the individuality of my son will be a blessing and a wonder.

But add the two year-old's quest of asserting independence, defiance, busy-ness, space-out-ed-ness, whatever, to the individuality.... well, that also makes for some great fireworks sometimes! 

And, and...can I say this? The other tricky part is that others' advice doesn't work. It is hard to discipline when  time-out, taking away privileges, and spankings elicit zero response. Contrariwise, it is hard to motivate when treats, rewards, and toys also elicit zero response. So when someone says, "Well, this always worked for my kids...." I try not to, but I zone out. Almost immediately. And I think, "Yes, it probably did. Because I've seen your child. They respond sometimes." 

What I really want is some exhausted parent to come up to me and say, in perfectly blunt honesty, "You know what, my child was psychotic. Nothing worked for him. He's fine now. But I don't really have any good advice for you. Sorry."

Then I would know: That parent had a child like Coren. 

I got that once. When I was venting about the impossibility of Coren one day, my dad--man who loves to talk, who knows just about everything, and whose advice I can swear on about ninety-six percent of the time--grinned and said, "Yep."

Maybe was an individual. Maybe there's hope. Maybe we'll reach three.



  1. oh my goodness chairity i totally feel for you! No joke my daugher was a monster child from 10 months to 18 months. The past year she has really really mellowed out and has become a normal girl, but i got the same kind of responses from my friend, and i'm pretty sure i had blogged about it before. I will be one of the moms that say nothing worked for my little one and it just took time to grow out of that very long stage! All my friends with multiple kids always told me how much of a handful of a child I had and how hard she was even my own family couldnt believe how crazy she was. My sweet, loving, fun dad even said she was "chucky" ahhh can you believe that!! her own grandpa, i'm so happy to say she is out of that and now a normal toddler who has normal tantrums, but...dear call me if you want to vent because i've been through it all!! Love you hang in there!!

  2. You'll probably reach three. Will you reach 17? THERE'S the real question. ;-)

  3. This is kind of how I felt with my little Megan for about a year. I thought, "What is happening - I am doing the same things I did with Caelan and Ben and NOTHING is working." There were times I really wondered if I'd make it through those early toddler years - would she grow out of it? Would she be this kind of stubborn forever? Then one day things just started to mellow out (and I didn't even really recognize it until three or four family members, people that don't see her everyday, made comments about how Megan seemed different). And you know what - she was. She's still strong, but this is really the only advice I can give: hang in there (all these little spirits are different) and both you and he will make it....Have fun. You'll have lots of good stories to tell in the future.

  4. Oh, thanks guys! It's good, once again, to be reassured that mine is not the only crazy child on the planet. :) Love you all!

  5. Hi girly....I have to Say that my middle child Landon is a beautiful little boy who is generally mild mannered HOWEVER when it is time to discipline him NOTHING WORKS....I spank him he laughs at me, I take away his toys he say so, I put him in his bed and he finds something to play with....NOTHING works which I agree is SO hard to deal with...but he is going to be a perfectly fine "normal" child if there is such a thing. You are not alone and I have no advise to give other than I feel you frustrations.
